viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Creating good memories of the school year

This last day of our week we want to post something about  a class activity we call "School Year Memories" (Recuerdos del curso).
We write about nice things we want to remember at the end of the year. The last week we'll open this special box and will read them in class. We are making an effort to create those good memories.
We write them in Spanish, and they can be written individually or in groups. 

We also enclose a photo of our puppet mascot, Wilma the witch. 

And one of the finished totempoles:

 We hope you like them.

Have a nice weekend! 

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Our class mascot

In Year 4 we have a class mascot. In class 4A, the mascot's name is Wilma, the witch. Every Friday, in turns,  a student takes Wilma home for the weekend and on Monday we hear about the things they did together. We have a special book where we write  about the things we have done together and stick a photograph with Wilma. We also  display photos in class and some useful words or sentences to help us make our writing richer. 
Wilma has travelled to different places in Spain since the beginning of this school year, she has been to the beach in the North with two twins we have in class, Marta and Juan!
You can hear Gabriela telling us about her weekend with the mascot last week on the video.

Our school library

Every week we go to our school library with our form teacher, Mr. Arribas. We read a book of our choice and we can take a book home. The mascot of our library is called don Owl ("don" is the Spanish word for Mr) and we chose that name because it's a bilingual name.
We have a library blog where we have the activities we do: 

Do you see the mascot behind us?

In the photos we are reading different books and later we chose a book to take home. We specially like the Barco de Vapor collection.

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Breathing rate experiment

In Science, we have been learning about the major organs in our body and we have done an experiment to find out about the effect of exercise on our breathing rate.
We made predictions and then we counted the number of breaths in one minute (breathing rate) after resting for a while, after running gently  on the spot and after running very fast . Finally we wrote the conclusion and recorded the results in a graph. We love doing this type of activities.

Our Timetable-Computer skills

At school we learn computer skills. Once a week we use the computer room and do different things: we do online Science activities, we read or listen to stories, we learn how to use a Word processing program, how to make a Presentation, illustrate poems or stories,  etc. 
This year we learnt how to create a table, insert new rows, columns,...We revised how to change the size and the colour of the font and how to insert clipart. We made a timetable and these are two examples of our work. 

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Autumn Song

We usually learn English poems, chants and songs. This year we  have learnt this Autumn song and dance. We enclose the lyrics in case you want to sing it! 

Making Totempoles

As a part of our "Columbus Day" project, in Art we are going to make a totempole. First we have been looking at pictures of totempoles on the computer, using a search engine and we have drafted our own totempole.  Mario and Paula talk about it on the videos.
Later, we'll make them using toilet rolls. We'll show you the final masterpiece! 

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Halloween cards

Around this time of the year we learn about some traditions, like Halloween.  This year we learnt some chants and we also  made these Halloween cards, where we included a magic spell. We created our own magic spell using rhyming words.

In the evening  we had a special storytelling session in our school library. A lot of families, students and teachers participated.  The children wore Halloween costumes as you can see in the photo. Some parents were storytellers  and it was great fun. We had some hot chocolate afterwards. It was a great evening.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Our school, our class

It seems a good idea to introduce ourselves. Our school is in Segovia, a town located not far from Madrid, the capital of Spain. It's an Infants (3-5 years old) and Primary School (6-12 years old). There are about 450 students and 33 teachers. Our students learn some subjects in English cause it's been involved in a bilingual project since 1996. 
Two classes of Year 4 (A and B)  are participating in Quadblogging. There are 25 students in each class.
We are really happy to share our school day with you all.

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014


This is the blog Class 4 in El Peñascal (Segovia, Spain) is going to share with other Primary Schools in England, America and Sweden. We'll share our school day and activities.