viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

Clay plaques

In year 4 as part of our Project about animals we have made these beautiful plaques using clay.

We make English Scones

One of the highlights of the second term was making English Scones. This was part of our Project about food.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Celebrating Book Day

In Spain, schools celebrate Book Day on 23rd April. We usually have special events around this date.

Today, years 3 and 4 had the chance to get a special visit, a writer came to our library and she told us about her book, which most of us had read before. 

She answered our questions about the book and the story. 

At the end of the session she signed our books.

It has been a good start of the celebration of Book Day!

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

End of the second term

We started our Easter holidays last Friday 27th March. We have some routines for the last week. We write a report and remember the things we have done during the term, we   get our marks and  some diplomas (spelling diplomas...). 
This year, to celebrate the end of the second term we brought some musical instruments to school and had a nice time with our school mates. Some of us also told some jokes.

We'll go back to school and will start the last term on 7th April. Happy Easter!