jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

Joint Mural for Peace Day- Kandinsky Art

Next week on the 30th of January 'El día de la Paz'-Peace day will be celebrated in schools across Spain. As part of this special day we are going to create a joint mural involving every student and teacher from primary 1 to 6. 

The inspiration for our work comes from the Russian painter Kandinsky. We have focused on his famous paintings featuring squares with concentric circles.
Each student will produce one square, which on its own can be beautiful,but when put together with the rest will hopefully produce a real work of art- thus proving that when we work together our results are stronger, brighter 
and bolder.

 A real result of cooperation.

 We used oil pastels to create our squares. We glazed them with white glue.

martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Our Christmas Holidays

As part of our Literacy work, after the Christmas holidays we have written about how we spent them. We know that there are many different traditions all over the world and we have been learning about how Christmas is celebrated in England, using a book we got from a partner school we worked with a few years ago.
Although there are a few typical Christmas traditions in Spain, each family has their own' s.
You can learn about some of them here. We would also like to hear from yours.

Back to school- New Year's Resolutions

When we go back to school in January we usually think about  our New Year's resolutions, a tradition children and adults make for the new year.  They can be something to do with ourselves, our family, our friends or our work and behaviour at school. We sometimes choose and write something for each category. Some resolutions we make are: make an effort and improve our handwriting, be kind to our partners, play with everybody in the playground, etc.
 We also remember the Promise to do our best we made in September . This is the poem we have done this year and we have displayed in the classroom so we don't forget. 
Do you also make promises for the new year? 

lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

School Day of Non-violence and Peace

School Day of Non-violence and Peace is celebrated in Spanish schools on 30th January,  on the anniversary  of Mahatma Gandhi's death.
We think Peace is something we should promote and give importance to not only once a year but everyday. 
For Peace Day we usually do special activities throughout the school such us mandalas, stories, poems, dances, songs, Art work.We also celebrate assemblies, get together in the playground and sing some songs or dance together.  We are preparing this year's celebration and will let you know about it. These are some of the things we did last year.
Do you celebrate celebrate Peace Day in your country,  and if so, when?

My food diary

At school we have a diningroom where lunch is cooked everyday and quite a lot of students have lunch at school after the lessons (14:00-16:00). There are also lots of students who go home for lunch. In Spain we usually have lunch when school finishes. 
This is our school menu for January.  We have translated the menu for this week.
As a part of our work in Science (in English), in Year 4 we will keep a record of the food we eat in a week and we will think if it's adequate, balanced and complete because we will learn about healthy diets.

Monday 19th : Rice with  tomato sauce + sausages and french fries + fruit
Tuesday 20th: Beans + stuffed eggs + fruit
Wednesday 21st: Potatoes with ribs + fish with salad + fruit
Thursday 22nd : "cocido" (chickpeas stew) + yoghurt
Friday 23th: pasta carbonara + fish and salad + fruit

This is a typical Spanish winter food, cocido, a kind of stew with chickpeas, carrots, meat, etc...It's usually served with a noodle soup first. Children usually like it.

End of year Race

Happy New year everybody! We're back to school and the routine of the second term. Today we have snow in Segovia but not too much!
We want to tell you about some traditions and things we have done since the last time we posted on this blog. We'll start with a special race in our town:

Many Spanish towns and cities hold the "San Silvestre" race each year on New Year' s Eve. In Segovia this road race is now called "End of year race". There are different categories, children and adults participate. From the school we promote the participation of our students in this race and lots of children take part. This year it was cold but warmer than previous ones because it was sunny. Some  adult runners wear costumes like for Carnival. 
The Town Hall rewards this participation and the school gets some money to spend on sport supplies.